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Hues and Blues

Play "Malaya by Moira Dela Torre" - I’m feeling a bit down this week you guys. Rain has been pouring down in Manila for almost a week now, and every night feels so blue. I always get that "stare at the window" feeling whenever it rains. Don't you too? Also, rain just reminds me of the difficult situations I'm in. Don't get me wrong, I love rain, but it just forces me to unleash sorrowful thoughts.

Anyway, I don't want this post to be so sad. But sometimes, it's OK to be sad, and it's OK to be vulnerable. It doesn't mean you're weak, you're just being honest.

What's on me: shirt(Uniqlo), shorts(H&M), bomber jacket(H&M), socks(from @bandpotato), shoes(NewBalance).

shirt from Uniqlo and bomber jacket from H&M. | Speak to anyone we both know, and ask them how much I love wearing basic shirts. (F.Y.I, SO MUCH!) But, what I love more than buying, is where I buy my basic-fix. (I think you already have an idea. HAHA!)

Caution: this post is very hazardous. (Joke! Pero swear, matatanggalan nako ng lalamunan after this shoot.)

shorts from H&M. | These are my new faves. I wear them anywhere and everywhere. I don't care if my sister refers to it as "Pok-Pok" shorts, whenever she sees me wearing them. I can't help it! It's just too comfortable, and I don't really care if I show off that much skin. For me, it's an advantage to wear fitted jeans or "short" shorts because it makes me look taller. Though it's not necessary for you guys. I mean, if you're not comfortable with them, don't! (Reminder: Don't be limited just because you're not perfect.)

I love this shot tho.

*exhale all the bad SH*T.

shoes from New Balance.

Disclaimer: No lungs were damaged in the making of this post. (hopefully.) LOL. Thank you so much you guys! Again, if you do have comments or suggestion about what you want me to blog about, just type in your thoughts and include #brylliantblogsabout OK? Every message is a treasure for me to keep.

Stay Brylliant!

PHOTOS BY: Arianne Tagorda

processed by: Bryan Laroza

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