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Back to School
What's up guys? Welcome back to my blog. How was your first day/s of school? (I know, even I hate waking up at 6am just to get ready.) I...
Tres Rojo
Everybody feeling the love yet? Not me. (kidding!) Aren't you just tired of people who keeps on ranting on social media about how their...
Camel Tone
You know guys, every time I put up a new blog post for y'all, it's getting harder and harder to figure out a title for it. (Seriously.)...
Hues and Blues
Play "Malaya by Moira Dela Torre" - I’m feeling a bit down this week you guys. Rain has been pouring down in Manila for almost a week...
How To: The Perfect Accessory - Part ll
What’s up awesomeness? If you haven’t read about the first part of this two-part segment, you can check that out HERE. If you’re tuning...
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