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When we turn a year older, we normally ask ourselves, "What happened throughout the year?" "Have I done a lot?" "Did I make a difference?". As we close another chapter of our lives to open a new one, the excitement never stops. But, the pressure doubles. Pressure for priorities, for expectations, for our ambitions, and for everything really. As ideal as I want this post to be, I just can't get away from the reality. I am turning 20 today. The last time I remember, I was only counting the years of when I will be able to step into high school. Now, I'm almost done with college. How fast was that? Even I can't tell. Time is so fast. Nobody can slow it down. But it doesn't mean, we can't make the most out of it.

What I'm wearing: Tie-dyed shirt(thrifted + DIY), joggers(Mint), windbreaker(thrifted), shoes (Nike).

Tie-dyed shirt is thirfted + DIY. | First of all, how festive is this shirt? I was hooked into the idea of thrift shopping and this is one of the items that I bought just recently. I just DIY-ed it to make it look more interesting than it already is.

What changed when I was still 19? Well, a lot. I'm sure we all had one part of 2016 that we wish never EXISTED. I also had that moment. Although, still came in a lot more blessings. But never the less, I still have to thank those events for happening. It kinda feels awkward writing this post and realizing that I'm no longer a teen. It was fun indeed. I wish the world would stop for a couple more minutes for everything to sync in. But, I'm sure I'll get use to it. It's not like I have a choice.

Yellow windbreaker is thrifted. | If it's still not obvious to most of my readers, YES! I love yellow. (So, if you're gonna send me gifts, it better have that f*ckin bright color) Kidding!

From the bottom of my heart, I will never get tired of sending love to everyone that continues to inspire me to wake up everyday thinking today will be a great day. For those who never stopped believing in me, for those who never quit reminding me that everything's going to be okay, that I can get through it, that it's just temporary. For those who stayed and kept me company all the time. For those people that stood beside me through my darkest days (yes, I'm not just that perfect kid y'all dream of becoming.), And especially for those who left. Why? Because they're the ones who told me that I'm not good enough, I never am and I never will be. Because they're the only ones who will forever remind me that there's more of me to show, and there's more of me to give. That I'm not at my best just yet.

Shoes from Nike. | I've been through so much with this pair. I am very sentimental when it comes to material things. Maybe that's just a "Bryan" thing. It's like every time I wear a bracelet or a shirt, it kind of reminds me of what I've been through while wearing that piece of clothing or accessory.

Anyway, the bottom-line is, I think I'm just really scared of what's ahead or maybe I'm just thinking too much. This teenage chapter of my life has finally ended, and the adult chapter is about to spill some real hot BLINDING tea. (If you know what I mean.) Thank you so much you guys! You know what's next...

Stay Brylliant!

PHOTOS by: Angela Gonzalvo

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