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Under the City Lights

What's the craziest thing you've done lately? I got the chance to spend my normal after school session in a 'not so normal' way. I've always wanted to do a shoot at night, and I am so happy that it happened. I was literally gagging when I saw the post-processed photos sent to me. (enough about me.) This week's outfit is a bit chill and if you're like opting for party look, I just took it to the next level by wearing dress shoes instead of sneakers. Why? That I don't know either. But, isn't just a show stopper when your ensemble is so unconventional that it works? That's what I always do when I go to events or attend parties, because who doesn't want to be noticed?

What I'm wearing: shirt(Penshoppe), souvenir jacket(Tank), pants(Thrifted + DIY), shoes(Milanos).

Shirt from Penshoppe and Souvenir jacket from Tank. | I am obsessed with souvenir jackets now. I know I've said it a couple of times, I just wear statement pieces when the hype has subsided, and when not everyone around the world is wearing it anymore, because who wants to be seen in the streets wearing the same sick statement piece right?

jeans are thrifted + DIY.

It was such a bucketlist moment stepping out of my comfort zone and just doing it for the sake of what I love to do. Truly a one of a kind experience, and I'm sure that there will be more to come! Now, comment down below your craziest adventure or experience and let's reminisce about it.

Stay Brylliant!

PHOTOS BY: Angela Gonzalvo

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