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I can officially say that I'm eighteen (a teen!). lol just kidding. Honestly, I really don't know how to start this birthday post. But I do want to say three things, Sorry, Thank You, and Good Bye!

First of all, I want to say sorry for all the promises that I broke. I always write on my previous posts that I'll be productive, that I'll be posting entries more often, I'll do more ootds, and things like that. It seems like I always fail you guys during those moments because I wasn't very committed to my blog for the past months. You can all blame me (*sobs*) but, blame my professors more for giving their students tons of work. I'm just a guy with a pair of hands, has one brain, one heart, and loves to sleep but does not get a respectful amount of it. But I really try hard to commit to both my duties and passion.

Being a college student takes the word "Responsibility" hell out of the dictionary. (please excuse my use of language because it's really that hard.) Sometimes, when things go out of hand, it kills. But now that I'm a year older, even if I know that the challenges ahead are more complex and violent (In terms of no sleeping) I'll try my hardest to make time for my first love and give you guys what you deserve.

It's still not sinking in my head that I am already 18 years old. I am so old!

Maybe you're all wondering why I make my 18th birthday so dramatic and of a big deal, and thinking that isn't this special day only for girls? Well, it's also important for me too you know. It's not everyday that you turn a year older. In fact, every time I celebrate my birthday, it always seems as if it is my first time celebrating it. There's just something with me that is so fond of celebrations and gatherings, maybe that's why I'm so attached to the people I care most.

Second thing I want to say is thank you so much for everything! From the time I put up this blog, there are some who already supported me and is so proud of me for what I'm doing, not for blogging but for being myself and showing others who I am and what I love to do. I want to thank those who're closest to me for being with me through those hard times, crazy times, and even to the memorable ones (you know who you are). They really made my years more exciting and full of "Brylliant" memories. BOOM SEGWAY! lol And of course, to those people who kept on pulling me down and making an effort to see me crash and burn, I thank you. Because if it weren't for you, my life who'd have been too perfect and boring at the same time. You've all made me stronger, more driven, and more passionate about my craft.

I also want to say a special thanks to a guy who I first saw at a gym way back in 2009. I was already a fan of his blog. I'll always remember that day when he said good bye to me after the elevator had opened and before we went our separate ways. Ever since that day, I looked up to him even more. Such a grounded guy. He'll always be my fashion inspiration. He's non other than David Guison. Thank You Dave for being an inspiration (Woo! Grabe...). If ever you have the time to check out my blog and read this post, I would be so honored! I only have one wish for my birthday. (And I really hope that you can grant my wish! *all body parts are crossed*) that I get a chance to have a twin OOTD shoot with you. Ugh, that'll be so cool!

And let's not forget to the One above, thank you for guiding me and always blessing me with such good circle of people, the material things are just an icing on a cake.

And lastly, I want to say good bye. But... it's not the kind you're thinking. What I mean is, good bye with the old and hello to the new! Watch out any time next month, I'll be relaunching my blog with a new look. Exciting isn't? Hopefully you'll all like it!

This has been a very long and emotional entry, but I hope you guys liked it! Thank you! #StayBrylliant!

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