Thank goodness it’s the start of a new week! I’ve been running errands for the past 6 days, and I can’t believe that I still got the time to shoot for a style post. Anyway, if you’re following me on Snapchat, you might be wondering what’s going on with me lately? Well first, I just got a job (if you’re thinking where? I have to keep that a secret). And second, I’ll be starting on Monday so expect the worst from your Brylliant blogger buddy. Sorry but you know me, I’m always driven and I always challenge myself from day-to-day. So I’m keeping my promise to at least post something new once or twice a week if possible. Don’t worry, everything I do is also for you guys!
Moving on with this week’s post, I think one of the biggest challenges (at least for me) is finding a perfect outfit for a rave party. Of course, you want to feel comfy and be able to move freely without your accessories or your 4,000Php sneakers getting in the way. But also, you want to look good and attract people with what you wear. Maybe this can help. Screw the “look good” part. (Why?) It’s dark out and just like you, others are also jumping and screaming like some crazy creatures. Now I won’t keep this introduction long so let’s begin.
What I’m wearing: shirt(Vibora Philippines), baseball jersey(Cotton-On), tote bag(@theradclubph), joggers(Mint), shoes(Converse), watch(Casio), accessories(Cotton-On).
shirt from Vibora Philippines and jersey from Cotton-On. | Your color scheme really just depends on the type of party you’re going. But basic colors like black, white, and gray gives that clean and easy look. Brylliant Tip: Overlay is okay. Just remember to keep it light and breathable.
Midi-rings from Cotton-On. | Accessories gives that extra pump to whatever it is that you’re wearing, but it’s always up to you.
Hmmm... have you been wondering why I’m talking about rave outfits? That’s right, time will definitely tick slower this coming Saturday at the PICC Forum 3. Join me and dance to the beats of the hottest DJs at #Nirvana2K15 #WhereTimeStandsStill where #EDMGoesGrunge. Ok, now that you know I guess you’ll pay more attention to my tips, right?
Tote bag from @theradclubph. | Aha! Rave bags, or so I call it. They’re my number one dilemma. Of course we don’t want to bring anything besides our party souls with us, but where will we keep our phones, wallet, keys, power banks, and so on? Tote bags are a life saver.
Brylliant Tip: Just make sure it has a zipper to avoid the worst. Or if it’s still a drag, just stuff them all up in your pockets. HAHA!
shoes from Converse. | Lastly, the shoes. I will never recommend you to go to a party where there’s a lot of crazy people running around (might even be holding drinks) while you’re wearing your expensive soles. Brylliant Tip: Let’s be practical. Wear something dark and worn out if you have. So you won’t mind people stepping on your feet and end up ruining your night.
Buy your tickets now! Just text 09205216884 / 09173807084 for prices. Thank you and hope to see you there.